Ministerial Licenses


Local Minister’s License
“The first step in the ministerial licensing process in the Church of the Nazarene is a Local Minister’s License. To obtain this license, candidates should speak with their Lead Pastor, and then interview with their Church Board. During this period it is essential that each candidate complete the NazSafe Background Check and Training. Any previous education and/or ministerial training/licensure should be disclosed to Lead Pastor and Church Board to ensure the licensing process goes smoothly. 
Please contact the NM District Board of Ministries Chairman to get started with the Board of Studies. 
Local churches can secure and print Local Minister’s Licenses here:  request a printed Local Minister’s License
Local Licenses are ideally intended to be held for 2 years maximum before pursuing a District License. The renewal process is handled at the local church level. When ready, candidates continue on to the District Ministerial License Process (see below). 
District Minister’s License (Applications and Essays due, each year, on/before October 1.)
After completing at least one year of locally licensed ministry and the completion of at least 4 classes (ideally including History & Polity of the Church of the Nazarene and Doctrine of Holiness) a candidate may apply for a District Minister’s License upon the recommendation of her/his Church Board. 
The District License Application is to be submitted to the District Secretary and should also include the following essay each year, as specified by the year. This is to be a 2-page, single-spaced (max) essay submitted along with the candidate’s yearly application form. 
Year A (2024)
 - Describe the Church of the Nazarene’s view on sin and salvation, using Scripture. Be sure to include your own experience of salvation in your essay. 


Year B (2025)
 - Explain your understanding of the authority and inspiration of Scripture. How is your understanding in line with the Protestant and Wesleyan understandings of Scripture? What is plenary inspiration? 


Year C (2026)

 - Briefly describe the terms holiness, sanctification, and entire sanctification. Why is this a core pillar of Nazarene theology? Be sure to include your own experience of entire sanctification. 

Year D (2027)
 - In your own words, describe the Triune Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Why does the doctrine of the Trinity matter? How is this related to Christology, or the doctrine of Christ? 


Year E (2028)
 - Explain the nature and role of the Church in God’s plan of redemption. 


Here is a link of the type of questions you should be prepared to answer when you meet with the Board of Ministry in person each year.


Are you in full harmony with the Church of the Nazarene and do you accept the entirety of the Manual as minister under authority to both God and the Church of the Nazarene? What do you think you might do should you one day determine that you are not in agreement with the Church of the Nazarene, and specifically the entirety of the Manual? 

It is the responsibility of each candidate to schedule a yearly meeting with the District Board of Studies (BOS) and to ensure that a licensing interview is scheduled during the November in-person meetings at Bonita Park with the Board of Ministries (BOM). Candidates should be sent emails regarding these meetings prior to the in-person meetings in November. Failure to schedule a meeting could result in the loss of one’s District License. (2025 Meetings to be held on November 6th @Bonita Park.)
During the middle of the District License process, candidates, along with their spouses (if applicable) are required to attend the MCW Workshop at Point Loma Nazarene University.
Additionally, each District Licensed Minister preparing for ordination must complete a Supervised Ministry Experience (SME). The BOM and BOS will help candidates find and schedule suitable SME’s for each candidate. 
All District Licensed Ministers are strongly encouraged to attend the yearly “Pathway to Ordained Ministry Retreat,” which takes place the day before District License Interviews in Bonita Park, each November. (2025 Retreat is to be held on November 5th @Bonita Park.)
The invitation to be considered for ordination is extended by the BOM working alongside the District Superintendent. The period between being granted your first District License and being invited to interview for Ordination can last no less than 3 years, but no more than, 10 years. Candidates invited to interview for ordination will learn the results of their interview promptly and provided clear information on next steps and the actual Ordination Ceremony at District Assembly. 
"Here is a link to a helpful video explaining this entire process in detail:” 
For more information, please contact: